The Board of Directors for St. Joseph’s Foundation is made up of volunteer members of our community who generously donate their time and expertise to raise funds for St. Joseph’s Medical Center. These Directors represent leaders in our community, each bringing their knowledge, new ideas and expertise to the Foundation’s efforts.
Patrick Velasquez
Director/Corporate SecretaryChase Chevrolet
Mark Rishwain, Esq.
Vice Chair
Attorney at LawRishwain & Rishwain
Anthony Bott
First Vice PresidentMorgan Stanley
Nikki Ochoa
TreasurerChief Financial OfficerDignity Health St. Joseph's Medical Center
David. P. Ziolkowski
President & Chief Executive OfficerDignity Health St. Joseph's Medical Center
Julie Kay Eckardt-Cantrall, MBA, CFRE
Vice President & Chief Philanthropy OfficerSt. Joseph’s Foundation of San Joaquin
James Acosta, CPA
Senior ManagerIacopi, Lenz & Company
Dave Silva
OwnerSilva Trucking
Sister Katherine Hamilton, O.P.
RepresentativeDominican Sisters of San Rafael
Annette Stephens
Educator (Retired)
Sister Abby Newton, O.P.
Cindy Wong
Laboratory Scientist (Retired)
Denise Suen
Lab and Quality Services Representative (Retired)
Balraj Singh
Office ManagerJagjit Singh MD, Inc.
Pallavi Reddy
Health Advocate
Suzanne Ledbetter
Food & Wine EditorBusiness Owner