St. Joseph's Physician Residents Launch Pandemic-Related Research Studies
COVID-19 research is happening in Stockton! St. Joseph’s Graduate Medical Education (GME) research department is actively participating in studies to aid the worldwide learning curve for treatment of COVID-19. Director of Research for GME, Teri Kozik, PhD, recently shared two retrospective COVID-19 studies that will start in June 2020.
One study delves deep into St. Joseph’s COVID-19 patient data, analyzing potential health variables that may make exposed patients more susceptible to severe disease than others who show minimal or no symptoms at all. The second study retrospectively reviews the use of Hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized COVID-19 positive patients at St. Joseph’s.
Doctors and Residents at SJMC have partnered with the Mayo Clinic on a prospective study involving convalescent plasma which is the intravenous infusion of blood plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients into those who are seriously ill from the virus. The convalescent plasma treatment for COVID-19 is being studied nationally in hopes it speeds up the recovery process and saves lives.
These local COVID-19 research studies are just one of the many examples of GME’s innovation in health care delivery to serve the needs of our community.
St. Joseph’s is well on its way to becoming a leading regional teaching hospital. Our goal is to grow our program to nearly 200 physicians training in our hospital and serving our community by 2025.
Now, you can pioneer a new era in healthcare in the San Joaquin Valley by helping us train the future physicians of St. Joseph’s Medical Center.